A Magnetized View of a Plant - A Great Way To Learn About Nature


Have you ever wanted to see a plant grow from the root? Well, now's your chance! Transparency is a great way to learn about the process of nature! As most of us know, gardening in general is done through methods of trial and error - That's actually what makes it so fun! What's even better than that is being able to watch the growing process from bottom to top AND top to bottom!


A Magnified View From Top To Bottom

This GeoSafari Hydroponics Kit  provides a magnified view of how the process of soilless gardening works, allowing children to monitor the plants growth from the very beginning with an ongoing view of the roots growing as the plant matures!

This growing kit is great for children 8+ because it gives them with insight into nature and the chance to see how plants progress throughout the growing process. With an amazing magnified view of the entire plant, children can check their plant's progress every time they walk by it, making growing fun and exciting - There aren't many systems that can offer such a transparent experience to learn and grow!

A system that is friendly for all ages gives groups and families the opportunity to share the fun by growing together! Children 8+ can enjoy Hydroponic gardening and learn quickly with a simple system. Small systems allow the grower to focus on the growing process without any technical knowledge. The GeoSafari Hydroponics Kit is great for individual, family and school projects.

A great way to learn and grow...Who knows! It may just spark a new hobby!


Hydroponic Kit

GeoSafari Hydroponics Kit

For anyone completely new to Hydroponics or gardening in general, that prefers to start out small with a eco-friendly, easy-to-grow starting kit that doesn't take much time or effort, this GeoSafari Hydroponics Kit is just the solution for beginners to get started in learning the growing process of plants! 




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