Easy Hydroponics For Beginners

Let's Get Growing!

Brand Spanking New To Hydroponic Gardening? No Worries!

Happy plants need quality nutrients just like we do in order to live their best life! The popular quote, "you are what you eat" is a great reminder that if your plants are eating good.....so are you!
Happy plants need quality nutrients just like we do to live their best life! Remember, we are what we eat, so if your plants are eating good, so are you!
Optimize Your Garden with this Complete Hydroponic Nutrients Kit!
All The Nutrients You Need To Get Started
Knowing Your pH Levels = Knowing Your Plants
Understanding pH levels will help you grow the happiest plants because it allows you to keep a GREEN thumb on the needs and success of your garden. As a beginner, it's good to have a pH meter handy in order to help monitor your garden's levels to make sure your plants are happy and healthy.
This amazing pH meter comes with a protection case to keep your meter clean from dirt and automatic calibration for easy use!
New and experienced gardeners understand that avoiding gardening failures, helps bring more success. That alone allows for a more enjoyable gardening experience! Get Your pH Meter Here
Lighting is an important part of any garden. Although natural sunlight is available and free, it unfortunately doesn't always cooperate with our gardening plans. Gardening in poor locations or basements with small or no windows are examples of good reasons to provide your garden with the best indoor lighting possible for best results in your growing experience.
Since beginners usually start with small gardens, our recommendation is to start with this adjustable LED lamp that can be set to turn your lighting Off/On at the same time every day.
This "set it and forget it" concept makes it easy for any gardener, especially newbies!
Choose the colors and set them to RED, BLUE or a combination of RED/BLUE for your best growing project!
Full Spectrum Adjustable lamp With Timer Settings
Well, there you have it!
You've just learned enough to start growing now.
So, the only decision you need to make now is:
what are you growing first?
Exclusively For The Beginner
This blog post was created to remove the barrier that most aspiring beginners experience in the early stages of their Hydroponic gardening journey. The technical side of Hydroponics can be intimidating for some beginners and we realize that this small barrier becomes the big reason that the once eager beginner delays beginning. Most seek and desire just the little direction it takes to learn the basics of how to get started without all of the stress in the decision making process involved in getting what is needed just to get growing. Our motto is to "Learn As You Grow" and we hope that this blog serves as a guide to get what is needed now so you can learn as you're growing your favorite foods. This allows the newbie to receive the support desired, while growing at their own pace and learning through out the process - Our job is to make it an enjoyable one. Just like plants, humans are able to grow and succeed if provided with a healthy environment, allowing for optimal results. It is our mission to provide this healthy environment to beginners, in hopes to inspire them to grow their best garden filled with happiest plants and ultimately living their best lives!
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Other accessories such as net cups and grow media are just as important in the growing process, but they aren't necessary to mention in this particular blog post, since we are highlighting Hydroponic Kits that already include these accessories in the packaging. This pre-packaging saves any beginner from the headache of choosing the right size net cups, the best media or length of the tubing size or any required lighting for their Hydroponic System because they both come included in the packaging.
Click Here If You Need Additional Accessories