Learn As You Grow- eCoFriendly/Home&Garden
LET'S GROW: Top 10 Plants
DIY Hydroponics Hydroponic Garden Zone hydroponic plant list Hydroponics Hydroponics kits what is hydroponics
Let's Grow: Top 10 Plants LETTUCE -TOP CHOICE LEAFY GREEN! -Fast Harvest -Less Space - Low Maintenance -Grows Well In Hydroponic Systems SPINACH -Fast Growing -Grows Well In Hydroponic Systems -Multiple Health Benefits BASIL -TOP CHOICE HERB! - Low Maintenance - Large Crops! - Grows Well In Hydroponic Systems -Multiple Health Benefits TOMATOES -Low Maintenance - Less Ground Space -Multiple Health Benefits PEPPERS -Almost the same as caring for Tomatoes but uses fluctuated temperature control -Bigger crops w/ Fluctuating Temperature Control -Multiple Health Benefits Seedling Trays Are Use For Easy To Grow: Microgreens, Fodder and Sprouts! SPRING ONIONS -Grow...
A Magnetized View of a Plant - A Great Way To Learn About Nature
Have you ever wanted to see a plant grow from the root? Well, now's your chance! Transparency is a great way to learn about the process of nature! As most of us know, gardening in general is done through methods of trial and error - That's actually what makes it so fun! What's even better than that is being able to watch the growing process from bottom to top AND top to bottom! A Magnified View From Top To Bottom This GeoSafari Hydroponics Kit provides a magnified view of how the process of soilless gardening works, allowing children to monitor the plants...
New Beginnings Start With Seeds
Growing plants can be very similar to the growing that we all do in life. We generally think of amazing ideas but somehow they're put to the wayside, collecting dust on a that imaginary shelf. Even though we know that putting that idea into some form of action, is all it takes, we always find something "better to do" or something we believe we "have to do - or else"..... it is because of this, that our ideas and dreams remain...well, "just a dream" or a "passing thought". We know deep down that without action, that amazing idea "idea" turns...
How To Enjoy The Beauty Of Hydroponics Without A System